1939 Play Ball BB FT
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The debut of the 1939 Play Ball series by Gum Incorporated, ushered in a new era of baseball cards. The set consists of 161 cards (though card #126 was never issued), each 2-1/2” by 3-1/8” in size which is larger than nearly any tobacco card of the early 20th century. Each item featured quality likenesses of the respective ballplayer printed in black-and-white. It is anchored by the early card of Joe DiMaggio and the one-and-only 1939 baseball card depiction of rookie Ted Williams, as well as numerous Hall of Famers, including Earl Averill, Leo Durocher, Bill Dickey, Hank Greenberg, Chuck Klein, Heinie Manush.
1939 Play Ball Baseball
- 161 Card Regular Set
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