1915 Cracker Jack BB
The 1915 Cracker Jack Baseball set consists of 176 subjects, each card measuring 2-1/4" by 3". The issue (designated E145-2 in The American Card Catalog) was printed on thinner-than-usual cardstock, which revealed a textured surface showcasing the cards' color-tint likenesses, and inserted inside boxes of the molasses-covered popcorn snack. A highly sought-after factory set was also available, by mail, in exchange for coupons. Cardbacks devoted half the area to a short player biography and the rest to text promoting the set and the product. American, National and Federal League heroes include Hall of Famers Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, Tris Speaker and Honus Wagner. Three eventual members of the 1919 "Black Sox" squad are present in the form of Chick Gandil, Ed Cicotte, and the scarce "Shoeless Joe" Jackson.
1915 Cracker Jack Baseball
- 176 Card Regular Set
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